The Book Full of 3D Pictures

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” - Wayne Dyer

I remember the first day when a friend and I, during our high school years, sat with a book of 3D pictures, attempting to see the image hidden behind the 3D picture.

It was a nightmare! Our eyes were burning like crazy as we focused on one spot, trying to see the actual image hidden behind the 3D picture. Later, I developed a headache because of this. Finally, one day, it all became clear to me what “technique” I must use to see the image.

This story reminds me of a number of points in our everyday life and business.

1.We see the world not as it is, but as we are.

The filters in front of our subconscious eyes hide the truth from us. This causes us to believe in a truth that may, in fact, not be the truth. Over the years, as we grow up, we are conditioned by school, church, society, well-meaning parents, etc., about certain truths. (Yes, I just upset a lot of people. Sorry, no judgment intended). These stories build up to be our truth as we see the world. Not necessarily the truth, but the truth for us. As we grow up, we live these truths and never consider that life might be totally different from what we thought it should be.

I see this a lot in business owners as well. They are so convinced of their own ways that they are never open to new possibilities. They don’t want to listen to an alternative opinion or method because the current method has been working for the last 10 years! Unfortunately (or fortunately), the business world and how it operates change in mere weeks or months in this new economy, and we need to be open to adjusting our sails and methods regularly.


2. Solutions to problems

When experiencing a problem, we can be so focused on the problem that we cannot figure out the solution. The moment we step away and look at it more broadly, we begin to see the solution. Sometimes we need an alternative, trusted source to guide us in getting to the solutions.

I have found that the best ways that serve me well are the following two protocols.

Firstly, spending time in nature.

I have found my best solutions or answers to specific questions while walking in nature, going for mountain walks, or walking the dogs on the farm. The Japanese call this “shinrin-yoku" or forest bathing. This term translates directly to "forest bath" and refers to the practice of spending time in nature, particularly in forests, to improve one's mental and physical well-being. 

Forest bathing has several positive effects on the brain’s chemistry. You can view the forest as a pharmacy for your brain. 

Below are some of the valuable key changes in your brain and body:

Reduction in Cortisol Levels

Cortisol is a stress hormone, and studies have shown that spending time in a forest environment significantly lowers cortisol levels, helping to reduce stress.

Increase in Serotonin

Serotonin is often referred to as the "feel-good" neurotransmitter. Exposure to natural environments, including forests, can increase serotonin levels, leading to improved mood and feelings of well-being.

Increase in Dopamine

Dopamine is another neurotransmitter that plays a key role in how we feel pleasure. Forest bathing can help increase dopamine levels, contributing to a sense of happiness and motivation.

Boost in Endorphins

Endorphins are chemicals produced by the body to relieve stress and pain. Forest bathing can stimulate the production of endorphins, leading to a natural mood boost.

Positively Affect the Release of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)

BDNF is a protein that supports the growth, maintenance, and survival of neurons, and it plays a crucial role in cognitive functions such as learning and memory. BDNF has a significant role in repairing and protecting brain cells, especially those damaged by stress.

The second protocol is to have trusted mentors.

A handful of trusted mentors can make a world of difference when I need to test an opinion or find a solution to a problem I am facing. Choose the mentors well.

You don’t want to go to Mercedes and ask them what the best vehicle brand on the market is. You will only receive one answer. 

You also don’t want to ask investment or business advice from someone who doesn’t have a successful investment portfolio or hasn’t built a valued and trusted business. 

People tend to do that, and the answers they receive are always interesting (let’s call it that).

I have a handful of trusted mentors in various aspects of my life. I have a trusted mentor in martial arts, in fitness, for investments and business-building ideas, for personal growth, health, etc.

Not everyone can be everything to you, but everyone has something to give. Just choose carefully from whom you receive the advice.

Lastly, I don’t run to everyone for everything I need an opinion on. During a time like this, everyone has the best opinions 😉 (and everyone means well by doing this). You will become overwhelmed by diverse opinions from numerous people, that you will never be able to make the correct decision for you.

3.Someone’s opinion about a problem is merely someone’s opinion about the problem.

Where some see problems, others notice opportunity.

I see this a lot with business owners in South Africa. We have our fair share of obstacles and many organizations that do not perform effectively, but it is expected from a third-world country.

We can see the problems and merely ponder and sulk about the problems.


We can notice problems and consistently think and ponder on how we can find solutions to these obstacles.

Many businesses have been started by entrepreneurs who experienced a problem themselves and then found a solution to the problem. After consideration and research, they found that many other people were also looking for a solution to the problem. By offering their service to provide a solution to that problem, they started their own business. 

Offer solutions over sales.

Create value over fees.

OUR economy is within US, not what is happening around us.